Top 8 Animals That Can Survive Without Food And Water.
The world is loaded with mind-blowing and extraordinary animals and they all have a unique quality to survive in this brutal world. Also, there are a few animals present in this world that can live for quite a long time without having any sort of food and water. This quality makes them separated from others. how about we look at them
1. Bear
We start imagining about the bulky animal and we thought that according to his appearance would eat a lot also we have seen bears feeding in many movies like JungleBook but in reality, a bear can live for over a quarter of a year without having water or food. It is on the grounds that they are lazy animals and invest there more often than not in resting and on the off chance that they work they do that gradually that saves their energy.
2. Tortoise
Tortoises are supposed to be one of the slowest animals on the planet. That saves a lot of energy for them and causes them to live without food however this novel sort of turtle is considered as probably the biggest tortoises on the planet and incredibly it can live around a few years without water and having any sort of food.
3. Crocodile
Crocodiles are likewise the laziest animals that can live without water and food for quite a long time since they work gradually that helped them to save energy. What would they be able to use for quite a long time these are the most well-known animals and you can discover them in any forest water place.
4. Frog
Frogs as we can discover them close to our homes or any spot close by some water yet have you ever pondered that these tiny animals can live without foods for around 16 months of time. This is truly fascinating.
5. Penguin
Penguins are such cute however remarkable animals that you can discover in colder spots and because of the cool, they don’t need much food or water to survive even they can live without water and food for 2 to 4 months of time.
6. Spider
Spiders are extremely interesting species that are renowned for their wittiness as they store their foods at some spot however alongside this, they can get by without having any food for as long as a year. On the off chance that they can’t discover food, this is a one of a kind quality and enduring expertise that they use by and large.
7. Snake
Snakes are some sort of uncommon animals that comprise of special quality given naturally to them in winters around 70% of their digestion can be decreased and come about they need less energy to endure. This thing laid them into a circumstance where they can make due around the year’s time without having any sort of food and water.
8. Camel
Camels are the most widely recognized animals. That we found in deserts and I think they are the main creature. Camel can get by in the warmth of the desert without having water and food for as long as 40 days of time. They are broadly used to go to deserts. Because of these characteristics they store water in their body and use them at the required place.
This is one of the species that top list due to its unconventional survival skills. I hope you like the blog. If you have any question then you can ask through the comment box. Don’t miss the next blog…
Originally published at on October 16, 2020.