20 Amazing Cat Facts to Understand Them Better

Azhar Siddiqui
2 min readNov 11, 2020

I think you like cats too. And many people will have a cat as a pet in their house. In this blog, I am going to introduce some interesting facts about cats.

Fact 1. Cats greet each other by touching noses.

Fact 2. Cats can rotate their ears 180º.

Fact 3. Cats have been domesticated for around 4,000 years! Prior to that, they were perhaps the best hunters dreaded by various species.

Fact 4. Cats greet each other by touching noses.

Fact 5. Cats just meow at humans. With different animals, they hiss, spit, and murmur yet never meow. They additionally will, in general, welcome each other by touching noses.

Fact 6. Cats can, without much of a stretch, jump around six times their length! This is all gratitude to the fantastic muscles in their back legs, which permit them to jump onto any surface they like.

Fact 7. A group of a kitten is regularly called a kindle; a group of adult cats is known as a clowder. A female cat is alluded to as a queen, and a male cat is known as a tom.

Fact 8. A cat needs to communicate with people from about fourteen days old, so it tends to be friendly toward individuals. Even from that point forward, you have time until a cat turns around four months old. From that point on, it isn’t easy to domesticate.

Fact 9. The first year of its life is equivalent to the initial 15 human years about a cat’s development. At the point when a cat turns 2, it turns 25 in human years. After the third year of its life, it gets to a place we all think around: one cat year for every seven human years!

Fact 10. The issue of skin break out is pretty basic among cats. They ordinarily wind up, creating pimples on their jaws, which is broadly known as feline acne.

For Next 10 Amazing Facts Visit:- https://petnomed.com/2020/11/07/20-amazing-cat-facts-to-understand-them-better/



Azhar Siddiqui

This is Azhar the owner and founder of PetNoMed.com. Here we post blogs and articles about animals and share some information about animals.